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About Us


Our Guiding Message

The Burslem Regeneration Trust (BRT) guiding
message declares our purpose and vision, along with the values that steer all of our decisions and behaviours. 

The three elements of purpose, vision and values, coalesce to provide our focus and a route forward to make Burslem a great place for people to live, work, visit and invest in. < Find out more >

Our Priorities and Objectives

Our objectives determine the actions that the BRT will take to attain our vision.  

We also recognise that we are a small not-for-profit organisation with finite people and capital resources and must be prudent and strategic in our prioritisation of objectives.  We seek to become the oil in the machine, not the machine itself. < Find out more >

Our History

The role of the Burslem Regeneration Trust, with a strap line of ‘Transforming Burslem’, is to bring together each and every interest group in Burslem to create a shared vision and to facilitate the delivery of a long term strategy.< Find out more >

Organisational Framework

The organisational framework within the BRT provisions for a governance structure that ensures our systems and processes drive our direction, effectiveness, supervision and accountability.  < Find out more >

Governance Principles

BRT governance is based on the principles outlined in the code for the voluntary and community sector by the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations.  This code sets our 6 principles that underpin sound governance within our organisation, and which are tailored to the specific structure and way in which we operate. < Find out more >

Our People

Our executive panel, board and members are all volunteers.  They dedicate some of their own time towards achieving the vision and objectives of the Burslem Regeneration Trust.  < Find out more >

2017 Annual General Meeting